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Employee Journey
Onboarding is goed voor het behoud van personeel.
Een derde van de organisaties in Nederland is niet van plan om te investeren in goede onboarding. En dat is een gemiste kans. Het behoud van personeel begint namelijk al bij de onboarding. Het zorgt niet alleen voor waardering en betrokkenheid, medewerkers voelen zich ook sneller thuis als hier aandacht aan wordt besteed. En de statistieken tonen aan dat tevreden medewerkers productiever zijn. Win-win dus. Aandacht maakt alles mooier. Door de inzet van persoonlijke video content maak je je digitale communicatie persoonlijker en dat werpt zijn vruchten af. En dat is niet alleen bruikbaar voor de onboarding, maar voor de hele employee journey. In de whitepaper gaan we hier dieper op in en delen we een aantal praktische tips.
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Internal Communication
Why video content is imperative for good internal communication.
Good internal communication is crucial for every organisaion. It ensures better engagement, higher productivity and improved team collaboration. In addition, it has a positive effect on the image of the organisation as a whole...
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Talent Acquisition
Why video is indispensable within your recruitment strategy.
As a company, naturally you want to attract the best candidates for your vacancies. However, how...
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Employer Branding
Why good employer branding is not possible without authentic video.
A strong employer brand not only ensures involvement and loyalty among employees, but can also lead to significant...
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Why authentic video is an asset to your (daily) business communication.
Authentic video is the number one way of communicating with your target group in a personal way. It is considered...
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Talent Acquisition
This is how effective video is for your employer brand.
At a time in which the job market is becoming increasingly tight, finding the right person for a position...
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Talent Acquisition
How vacancy video’s result in a lower cost per hire.
A vacancy video is a powerful and effective means of attracting the attention of potential applicants. It provides...
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Internal Communication
How influencers penetrate the world of internal communication.
Influencers not only influence consumer behavior, but also the world of internal communication. By actively...
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Talent Acquisition
Seven tips to ensure your vacancy video is a hit.
Are you searching for candidates for your vacancies and would you like your approach to stand out? Then making a...
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