Security, privacy and compliance
Our enterprise-proof platform is built on your principles for data security and data privacy. This way, you can be sure that you are fully compliant with legal requirements.
All personal information is processed within the European Economic Area (EEA)
Vormats guarantees that all personal data and information will not leave the European Economic Area (EEA). It is processed and stored here, also by the affiliated sub-processors.
External independant auditor
Vormats has hired NAQ-Cyber as an external independent auditor to periodically review processes and systems for compliance with information security policies and other requirements.
Security training for privacy awareness
All staff and contractors are regularly trained by our partner NAQ-Cyber. They are obligated upon commencement of employment to follow our cyber security and AVG training which is repeated annually, including the associated examinations.
FAQ for Security, Privacy and Compliance
We are transparent about the technical and organisational measures that we take and are happy to provide insight into this in all openness.

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